Monday, April 16, 2007

fresh from the rain


road to mesa verde


mountain creek


vallecito lake


after the rain


it was a rainy day @ durango, colorado


Sunday, April 15, 2007

mesa verde..


cliff dwellings of anasazi indians@mesa verde UNESCO world heritage site

Friday, April 06, 2007

missing something..

today, i realized what i have been missing in my life for so long..
that, my friends, is nothing but breakfast..
after many many days i had a proper breakfast, as sumptous as it could get in my office cafeteria.."the morning edition special" as they call it...toasted bread with scrambled egg and steak with lots of grated ...ok.i know no one'sinterested in the details, but i cant help adding that i had it all washed down with some good strong coffee(part of the "special" package)...
another important point - im blogging all this not because i dont have anything better to do at work, i have lots of work, but its friday and i am going out for a trip this afternoon...all good enough reasons not to do any work...ok, its time to head home and start packing..
hasta leugo..